Coping With the New Post-COVID-19 Normality – Survey Results

The global pandemic has affected all areas of our lives and is inevitably taking its toll on our business as well.

Although the world is slowly getting back to normal, it will be a new “normal”. We’ll be suffering from the mandatory closures for a while and will need to learn how to rearrange our reality in order to live with the virus. There’s no manual on that and we’re yet to discover what works well and what doesn’t. We’ll learn through trial and error and through conversations and sharing.

As a global leader in the climbing industry, we have the chance to communicate with and connect gym owners from all over the world. We have realized that the more we share knowledge and exchange ideas, the easier it will be for the whole industry to deal with the challenges together. Recently we reached out to climbing gym owners worldwide and asked them about the way COVID-19 has affected their business and their expectations for the future. Here’s what we learned.

We’d like to express our gratitude to all gym owners who took the time to participate in the survey and were willing to share their experiences.

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