Keep Training at Home with a Climbing Wall from Walltopia

1. Send us a sketch on a piece of paper and a few shots of your space.

2. We'll get back to you with a model and estimation within a day.

3. Your wall can be at your doorstep in 2 weeks' time upon your approval.

While being stuck at home in these troublesome times, we also find it hard to “hold our horses” and not be able to feed the craving for climbing and training. We know many of you already imagine the garage, the basement or the guest room (we can’t invite friends over anyway) turned into a climbing wall that will be a great place for quick workouts even during life after social distancing. That’s why we decided to cater to the home climbing and provide top quality panels and construction for crafty climbers to assemble in their homes.

How can we make it work?

Send us an email to with the following information:

  • Country
  • Space dimensions – Width / Height / Depth
  • A few snapshots of the space you have
  • A hand-drawn sketch
  • Where can you anchor your wall – Floor/ Wall/ Ceiling. Please note that the structure needs to be anchored to concrete or steel, it cannot be anchored to bricks!
  • What would you like in your package – Panels/ Structure/ Fasteners/ Holds/ Mats

It’s simple as that! We’ll get back to you with a model and estimation. The home climbing walls can be shipped in just 2 weeks after order confirmation.

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