What’s Your Home Climbing Routine?

It’s been a month since our headquartered climbing gym opened doors for the first time after the lockdown in mid March. And as much as we hate to be cheesy, truth is meeting friends and members, and seeing their joy to be back on the walls was…hm, emotional. Seriously.

Naturally, most of what we talked about was how everyone dealt with the quarantine and if they managed to build any home climbing or training routine.

While we are all curious to see the final touches of our contest’s winner home wall, we looked back at our Instagram feed and made a selection of our most favorite entries.

Some are funny, some are creative, all are fun to watch!


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A post shared by Ella McRitchie (@climbing_ninja_ella)


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A post shared by Mark Soroczyk (@mark_soroczyk)


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A post shared by Shukri Saleh (@shukrisalehstories)

If you want to watch all of the contests’ submissions, look for the hashtags #WalltopiaHomeClimbing and #MyWalltopiaWall. Those stories prove that if you want to climb, you’ll find a way.

Still, remember we can make your life easier with our newly launched home climbing walls.

The first step is to configure your wall the way you like it to be and get a quote from us. Once you have the number, it would be easier to know what you want, and can you get it. We bet you can.

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