Exploring the Depths of Fun: Walltopia’s Artificial Caves Reinvent Edutainment

The recent years saw a strong rise in the edutainment sector. Teaching youngsters through exploration and self-discovery boosts their comprehension abilities while also inspiring them to learn more. True edutainment attractions, however, are few and largely restricted to museum exhibits. At the same time, the entertainment sector is constantly searching for the newest attraction or experience. Family entertainment centers have the fantastic potential to offer parents and their kids actual value that goes beyond amusement with this trend of improving learning via entertainment. This is where artificial caving steps in to fill the gap.
Nature-inspired and realistically recreated
Caves offer an amazing chance for fascinating discoveries as well as an enjoyable and educational experience. Moreover, an artificial cave offers a safe and accessible substitute for traditional speleology in a controlled environment.
Walltopia designs and manufactures artificial caves that give visitors a realistic caving experience and turn any space into an adventurous amusement area. The firm’s extensive knowledge in rock-realistic climbing walls, made of fiberglass, helps in developing its artificial caves to a level no other competitor can meet. The standard or custom-designed caves are appropriate for both indoor and outdoor locations, transforming what would otherwise be irregular, unusable spaces.

The Volcano Cave in the World of Wonders, Qatar
A showpiece project is the Volcano Cave in the World of Wonders Family Entertainment Center in Qatar.
Especially attractive are the realistic lava streaks glowing on the outside surface of the cave. Our company has its own proprietary technology to craft a remarkably realistic appearance that imparts a distinctive beauty and individuality to the attraction.
The attraction is impressive with its almost 10m height and momentary capacity of 35ppl. Its tunnel system of 75m overall length can be explored in two routes of 18m and 54m, ending with a 4m exit slide. The route goes through various obstacle sections like the Duck Walk, Ascending/Descending Boulder, Crawling Tunnel, Ascending Spiral, Vertical Squeeze, Ball Sump (sinkholes filled with plastic bubbles).

Edutainment in action
Our proprietary technologies offer visitors a chance not only to test their limits, but also to explore the prehistoric world and the wonders of speleology. The caves have realistic rock surfaces including genuine cave characteristics like stalactites and stalagmites, fossils, and lava. The possibilities for natural sound effects and adjustable lighting contribute additionally to making you feel like in a natural cave.
The customer journey feels like a genuine adventure from the very beginning to the very end. Guests are provided with headtorches, helmets, and knee and elbow protectors. Following the operator’s briefing, the tour can proceed as guided or non-guided, depending on the length and complexity of the cave. Guided tours provide children with the excitement of a discovery walk together with a wealth of knowledge. A guide to direct the dozen excited children in a dark, tight, enclosed space is essential to making the most of the experience. They will be squeezed through tiny spaces and crawling through cramped tunnels that occasionally have several routes, just like in a natural cave. But they will also see a variety of rock formations along the route and learn about geology. They will enjoy the stalactites and stalagmites while exploring the Stalactite Chamber. In the Ancient Life Chamber they will see cave paintings and learn more about pre-historic humans. Along the route, they can run into beautiful fluorescent minerals – samples of real minerals that can be found in caves. In the Fossil Chamber they will discover the natural subterranean world and will get an idea about paleontology and pre-historic life. To complete the immersive experience in the Bat Chamber they can hear how bats sound.

Gamification is what actually makes the cave and learning experiences more fun. There is a variety of games that can be integrated: kids gather points by searching for hidden fossils or pouring as much lava as they can into the volcano using features like the Gamifier platform. Other activities that the youngsters can play and learn from include picking plants or animals from fossils, or repeating the pattern of shining lights.
Safety first
Caves are enclosed complex structures, so safety considerations are a priority. All caves manufactured by Walltopia comply with the European Playground standard EN 1176. The production material used is fire-retardant fiberglass reinforced plastic, which significantly reduces the risk of fire spreading through the tunnels and caverns. This makes the caves compliant with the European standard for fire classification of construction products EN 13501-1:2018.
Safety measures include also emergency exits in the tunnels and emergency LED lights. Intercom and video control system ensure constant contact of the operator with the visitors. The extracting ventilation system provides for the air freshness: the fresh air enters through the entrance and exits of the cave and the air circulation in the tunnels is ensured through suction valves.
In conclusion, well-executed artificial caves are a great opportunity of combining exciting exploration with educational opportunities to give guests of all age groups a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable experience. To date, Walltopia has produced and installed 35 artificial caves all over the world, which make unique edutainment attractions in all kinds of entertainment venues.